Making Your Business Known On The Internet

Creating, managing and promoting your website does not have to be overwhelming. There would seem to be endless possibilities and decisions, but in reality all websites need three things: a good look, a good set up, and good content. Vanessa can help with all three - and with the promotion you'll need to ensure success.

The Look

Although this isn't the most important factor, it is the first thing that usually comes to mind because it's the first thing most folks notice. Of course you want it to look good, and there's nothing wrong with that! Your website's look says a lot about your business. A consistent visual appeal can entice visitors to stay awhile instead of immediately clicking away to a competitor's site.

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The Logistics

Also known as "the technical stuff." You've got to have a domain name, which is the address where people go to find you. You've got to have a hosting plan, which is the space you rent so your site has a place to live on the internet. And you've got to have a content management system, which is the material (program) used to build your site.

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The Content

Your words matter the most. What you say and how you say it is the main factor in the success of any site. First you've got to know exactly who you're talking to. Your prospects should recognize themselves when you explain what need you fill or what problem you solve. This is the beginning of the "know, like, trust" sales process.

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Not Sure Where To Start?

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Nessa's Notes

Entrepreneurial Guide for Parents With Disabilities

parents with disabilities

“Entrepreneurial Guide for Parents With Disabilities” is a guest post written by Ed Carter of Executing a business idea is a stressful endeavor, especially while raising children. However, by planning ahead and following these tips, aspiring parents with disabilities can find success! Go From Business Idea to Establishment The first step to entrepreneurship is

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Home Is Not Enough

home page

Home may be where the heart is but when it comes to business websites, you need information, not sentiment. People click links because they want to know more about the site or subject of the link. Every link will give you the address of the website, and it should also tell you the name and

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Team Up!

Every entrepreneur needs a team.

Everybody has heard the expression, “It takes teamwork to make the dream work.” It may sound a bit corny but it really is true. The thing is, nobody can do everything it takes to run a successful business completely on their own. Every entrepreneur needs a team. We are all unique; each with our own

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Reality Bites? Bite it Back!

Always Search for Reality

Some would say that there are all kinds of realities. Virtual or physical. Subjective or objective. Inner or outer. Being neither psychologist nor philosopher I don’t spend a lot of energy trying to define reality. But I do try my best to always acknowledge and accept it in pursuit of success. There are a lot

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The Power of Knowledge

The Power of Knowledge

I am a great fan of knowledge. And I don’t mean only knowledge that’s the first step in making a plan, or passing a test, or achieving a goal. But I believe in learning purely for the wonder of gaining something beautiful, useful or just something new. Learning is never a waste of time, even

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Satisfied Customers

Satisfied customers

Small business success depends on satisfied customers. When people feel good about dealing with your company, they’ll tell their friends and they will come back for more. So your job is not only to give good value but also to provide a good experience. Customer service is such a lost art these days that anything

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Lock It Up!

Lock It Up!

How do you lock yourself out of your own computer? Easy. Change the password, forget to write it down, then leave town for a month! In this digital age, even if you run a “brick-and-mortar” business, you still have to be online for certain activities. And being online means there will be passwords to manage.

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Let's Get Started

Contact me today and together we’ll make sure that your online presence says just the right things. Grow your business into a success!