We usually think of Thanksgiving as a “personal” holiday; a time to enjoy good food with family and friends and reflect on all the good things we’ve enjoyed throughout the year. For entrepreneurs, the opportunity to run your own business is undoubtedly on that list.
While you’re thankful for your business, this is also a good time to grow and strengthen the connections you’ve made. Gratitude can help grow your business.
Almost all of the major belief systems express this in one way or another: To get more of what you want you must first show gratitude for what you have.
How does your business show your gratitude? I’d love to hear your ideas.
One way to show gratitude is to donate. During the holiday season you’ll see a lot of this, but there are some businesses that make it part of their company mission and philosophy and do it all year. Pick a worthy cause that you care about and pledge to give a certain percentage of the sales on a particular day (or week). Or you could choose a certain product or service for some period of time.
Another way is to give a boost to your customers, suppliers and advisors. Write a review, rating or recommendation for another business. Create a series of blog posts, tweets or status updates praising a partner. Provide links or referrals to trusted entrepreneurs you know.
Something that we sometimes forget in day to day details of running a business is the simple act of saying thank you to clients and associates. It makes people feel appreciated when you take the time to acknowledge them.
Because it is so often lacking, simple courtesy can go a long way in today’s business climate. And it doesn’t take a lot to make someone feel special. Remembering names and special occasions make people feel special. All it takes is a sincere note or card.
On this Thanksgiving, I want each of you to know that I appreciate your taking the time to read and respond to these newsletters. That makes me feel special!
Get the results you need. There are resources available if you need help. Contact me today and we’ll find them.