Do Unto Me

Why is it so difficult to take our own advice, to do for ourselves what we do so often and so easily for others?

I have spent much of the past twenty years helping people start and grow their small businesses, yet my own seems to have suffered through an endless cycle of surges and stalls.

Both of my sons had moderate physical limitations as they were growing up so taking care of them was often challenging: I spent so much time at the hospital that many of the employees thought I worked there too! In addition to being a therapeutic foster parent for several disabled children, I was also a neighborhood mom, often sheltering and feeding a half dozen or more kids every weekend.

Meanwhile, now that the kids are all grown and gone, it seems harder and harder everyday to take good care of myself with proper eating habits, rest and exercise.

So, even though I don’t do “resolutions” I have made a decision and a commitment to do unto myself more of what I do for others. For 2009 I’m revving up my own marketing plan and making it stick.

It works for all my clients, and it’ll work for me too!