Number 21 in the 30 days of blogging is to notice what’s changing as we post during this project.
Other than the obvious change of making more posts, I wasn’t sure if anything had changed. I find that it’s definitely easier to post when there is a set topic or question to answer. And thinking about some of the prompts has given me ideas about how to include a broader range of subjects within my theme.
This can only mean good things for my business and my mission.
Thanks Susan!
Prosper and Be In Health
Change is usually good and for our best interest. May you be blessed in your business and your mission.
Just think how much success could happen if everyone who is on the internet for business would really participate in some way at least 3 days out of the week.
Susan has motivated those of us who have opted to do this…I pledge to keep it alive.
Success breeds success, action breeds action…and it's so much fun !
Bea Kunz
Vanessa Shelton
Thank you Debbie, for your ever-present prayers and giving spirit. I know my life would not be so rich without you.
My dear Bea, I truly don't know how I made it before you came along. And now that I have you, I know I couldn't make it without you! If everybody thought and behaved as you do for the good of so many, this world would be a nearly perfect place!