A Begining

I’m not sure exactly what this blog is going to be yet, but there are a couple of reasons and a story connected to it.

I’ll be perfectly honest and admit that one of my reasons is business related. Blogging is a good way to let folks get to know you, and that’s good for business because you can’t understand and trust what you don’t know.

But business isn’t the main reason for this venture. Since I was very young I’ve always wondered about the reasons why some people have and others don’t. And I’ve wondered about why people treat each other the way they sometimes do. I have theories, and I’ll bet you do too.

So, my main reason for starting this is to explore and learn. I want to hear your ideas and opinions. I’ll try to be regular, and I hope not boring; I’ll be honest and sometimes opinionated, but never intentionally hurtful or offensive.

I hope we can share. I hope we can make a difference.