Know the Competition

Know the competition

Knowing the competition is a necessary element of business success that many business owners would prefer to ignore. But to be competitive you must understand, and have strategies to counter, what others in your industry are doing. Keeping up with current trends helps you stay ahead of the curve. Don’t let fear keep you in

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It’s Too Soon!

Ready for Holidays

A few weeks ago one of the popular cable networks started advertising Christmas movies. Lots of folks thought it was way too early. After all, it’s not even officially fall yet. But the fact is that if you are in business it really is time to plan for the holiday season. This applies even more

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Time Out!


For most of us, June starts the busy summer season: making school break activity plans for the kids, celebrating dads and grads, family reunions and vacations. This is in addition to the ongoing challenges of keeping a business going and growing. In all the bustle of extra activity, one thing that usually gets left off

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