Team Up!

Every entrepreneur needs a team.

Everybody has heard the expression, “It takes teamwork to make the dream work.” It may sound a bit corny but it really is true. The thing is, nobody can do everything it takes to run a successful business completely on their own. Every entrepreneur needs a team. We are all unique; each with our own

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Reality Bites? Bite it Back!

Always Search for Reality

Some would say that there are all kinds of realities. Virtual or physical. Subjective or objective. Inner or outer. Being neither psychologist nor philosopher I don’t spend a lot of energy trying to define reality. But I do try my best to always acknowledge and accept it in pursuit of success. There are a lot

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Making Plans

Got Plans?

A complete plan is essential for any business. The idea is the first step, and the vision is the motivation. But to bring them to life you need concrete step-by-step business and marketing plans. Yes, it takes time and attention to detail to do them right, but you’ll save a lot of time and headaches

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Know the Competition

Know the competition

Knowing the competition is a necessary element of business success that many business owners would prefer to ignore. But to be competitive you must understand, and have strategies to counter, what others in your industry are doing. Keeping up with current trends helps you stay ahead of the curve. Don’t let fear keep you in

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