Give To Get

One thing about me – other than my near obsession with helping folks pull themselves out from the bottom of the financial heap – is that I enjoy playing games. Most of my online “biographies” note that fact. Cards, board games, puzzles; it doesn’t matter. I just like friendly competition. There’s an online game I

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Bowling and Business

This post is an article written by my friend Debbie Barth of NC Women’s Network. Debbie would like you to visit Lesson: My Bowling EpiphanyWho knew going bowling could teach me another life lesson! My husband bowls once a month with some of his co-workers, and suggested recently that I should go with him

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Profiles Everywhere

Ryze is my favorite networking site. Yes, everyone is crazy about Twitter, and I do enjoy and profit from it. I also use LinkedIn, Biznik, Black Planet and Front Porch Folks, as well as several others from time to time. Recently I heard a Ryze forum leader comment that she wondered why anyone is still

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For My Eyes Only?

I recently realized I was doing a ridiculous thing by not publicizing my blog. It’s quite silly, but I’ve been waiting until I got it right. But it’ll never be “right” so I may as well quit erasing entries and let someone have a look. Otherwise, what’s the point?In my imagination I’m witty and clever.

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