Article Marketing Tips

Do you need more people visiting your website? Article marketing is an excellent way to bring in more of the right kind of visitors.

Here are some tips to make sure your articles are as effective as possible:

  1. First, pick the right topic. It should be something useful or interesting to your target market, but make sure it’s informing – not selling. List and how-to articles are good for this type of marketing because they are easy to read and understand.
  2. Make sure you use relevant keywords and phrases, but be careful not to over-use them. Many directories will reject your article if they believe you’re “keyword stuffing”.
  3. Find the best places to submit your articles. There are many popular general directories such as Articles Base and E-zine Articles that you should submit to. But you should also search for industry specific forums and directories to post to. Simply go to your favorite search engine and look for “my industry article directory”.
  4. Write an effective author bio, also called your resource box. This is where you include a line or two about the best benefit people get from your business, your blog or website address, and a strong call to action.
  5. Remember to track your results. Many of the directories will tell you how many times your article was viewed, and you’ll also want to know which directory (and which types of article) sends the most traffic back to your site.